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Why and How To Do Qurbani In Kashmir From Abroad?

an image of butcher

Qurbani is one of those things we were used to doing automatically much like all the other aspects of the eid celebrations that we were used to as Muslims. However, enter Corona, and everyone seems to be thinking twice!

This is where a novel idea has come up to give a meaningful and humane twist to an already sacred act of worship. Welcome to the world where Muslims from anywhere in the world can share their Qurbani with the people of Kashmir. We will let you know how Kashmiris living abroad can specifically benefit from this service.

Drawbacks of Qurbani Abroad

  1. In Non-Muslim countries it may be difficult to locate a halaal meat shop an even if one is lucky to find a Muslim butcher, he isn’t often well-trained in the art of Qurbani.
  2. An element of doubt always remains as in most modern countries animals are slaughtered in special facilities behind cold doors and one can merely take home the cutout meat at the end of the process.
  3. What is particularly sad is that you are deprived of the joy and happiness of being able to hare your Qurbani meat with friends and relatives who live in Kashmir.
Photo by Oleg Magni on Pexels.com

Advantages of Qurbani in Kashmir

The advantages of doing Qurbani in Kashmir are endless:

  1. In this meat-lovers’ paradise, halaal butcher shops are the norm at every street and corner and Qurbani is an utterly familiar affair the skills surrounding which have ben preserved generation after generation.
  2. As an uncontested fact, Kashmiri butchers are highly skilled at the slaughtering, skinning and portioning of small and large animals for eid ul adha. Hence, it is unlikely that one of them would perform a half-baked job.
  3. The Qurbani meat can easily be distributed among relatives and dear ones.
  4. There are so many needy people in Kashmir who would benefit greatly from the meat and other animal products from Qurbani animals.

The “How?”

So, coming to the point how to do Qurbani in Kashmir from abroad?

The process is actually pretty simple and explained wonderfully in this flowchart:

Simple Online Qurbani Process at Meat Up

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